Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The after election day is difficult this year, but I find myself just grateful for my life, my family, my country (messed up as it is), life and the opportunity to live my life. So I guess you could say I am happy today. I am still the same person, I still have the best family on earth, I am a member of the true church and it is a beautiful day! The Democrats do not have the majority in the Senate, which is wonderful, Florida voted to ban gay marriage and California prop 8 is still undecided. so things are not as bad as they could be. I also had an awesome dream last night. I dreamed that Barack Obama was defeated by Mitt Romney and Mitt saved the constitution. Remember that prediction?
Well, Jim found the direct quote so it will happen. I always concentrated on the phrase-
The Government of the United States would be hanging by a thread. However, I now concentrate on the phrase that it will be saved by the Elders of the Church. I choose, in other words, to concentrate that it will be saved. on the positive. And that is the way I am going to live. I am going to be thankful for what I have (which is so much) I think that is the way God would have us live. so let's look up! remember the phrase-

Worry lookS around
Sorrow looks behind
Faith looks up!

so I choose to LOOK UP!!!


Sarah Ball said...

I am so thankful for a mother that is positive and optimistic. I have always been happy even through trials and I know that that attribute comes directly from you. Thanks for the positive outlook this morning. I never even realized that phrase had another part to it, that really does give us hope that it will all be ok. Just wont be listening to any state of the union addresses for the next 4 years (still can't stand him) but we will get through it! I love you Momma!

Melanie said...

Robert and I are trying to keep positive thoughts. We are contented in our decision to vote for the constitutional party canidate, "Chuck". Least we can say that we voted for someone who believes and upholds the constitution. As for Obama...our thought is that at least we can be on the aware and keep a watchful eye on him...McCain we would have been too relaxed...least that's our thoughts!

SISSY said...

YOu are the best Momma ever! What would we do without your optimism? That really cheered me up, and you are right, we have a lot to be grateful for. Right now I am also grateful for the amazing family we have, and the gospel. Thank you for those great thoughts. I will be looking up also :)

April said...

Good to see you pulling through, Myrna. I'm just so grateful I live in this country. To think that there are so many other countries that don't even have such a process, or even the ability to speak their mind without serious consequences. We are truly spoiled to live in these United States of America. I may be spoiled but I thank Heavenly Father every day for it.

Anonymous said...

I so agree, I was sad too. but I did think positively as you's life and sometimes it has bump parts...and that's ok, too!! ;0) Our life is bumpy right now but I make a choice to look at it with gratitude and with happy thoughts! It's all perspective, right...? Sooo glad your blog is up for you and that you are enjoyingh it, I am loving reading your thoughts on "paper"... love you!